Left to right: Nancy Riordon, Lyn Rackley, Jane Clark, and Beth Matson

Pictured are a few of the riveting pieces made in the class. The pieces shown were made by Anita Sharples who was assisting Nancy with the class.
The Quail Creek Lapidary and Jewelry Club sponsored several classes in April for its members. A popular class was taught by Nancy Riordon, a longtime Lapidary and Jewelry Club member. It was the art of riveting and how it can be used in the making of jewelry. The class was held in the Lapidary Studio on May 3.
Of note, Justin Miles is teaching stone cutting and grinding classes on the first Saturday of the month during the summer for those members who are interested.
The Jewelry Studio has a window featuring many one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry made by our members. If you’re looking for a custom piece of jewelry as a gift or for yourself, stop by and see all the beautiful pieces in our display window.