First row, left to right: Mary Anne Stanford, Lynn Heskett, Alan Hutton, Brenda Moline, Trish Hoge, David Mayberry; second row, left to right: Sandra Thornton, Eric Heskett, Judy Squires, Roger Wood, Lynn Callaway, Susan Allen; photo by Marianne Cobarrubias.

Quail Creek resident, Susan Allen, (far right) and another CERT student, David Mayberry assist victim Pam Kulbarsh during disaster exercise; photo by John McGee.
Peggy McGee
Two Quail Creek residents, Susan Allen and Roger Wood, were among the 12 graduates from the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Basic Course on September 17. During the 20-hour course the students learned about search and rescue, medical emergency care, disaster psychology and other topics that will enable them to respond in case of emergency. Many of the classes were taught by Quail Creek residents Kathe and Dave Alves, Ray Trombino and John McGee.
The highlight of the training was a disaster exercise. The students had to apply what they had learned to care for victims of an explosion. Fortunately, thanks to the great care they received, all the victims recovered to join the students for well-deserved pizza. Greater Green Valley CERT is sponsored and supported by the Green Valley Fire District.
For more information on CERT, please visit www.ggvcert.com or follow Green Valley CERT on Facebook.