The Monday Night Book Club’s book choice for October is Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View by Stephen Breyer. The book focuses on the Supreme Court’s role in maintaining a workable constitutional system of government. Justice Breyer discusses what the Court must do to maintain public confidence and argues for interpreting the Constitution in a…
Category: September 2014
September 2014
Cookbook sales date announced
Janice Pell TWOQC cookbook, A Shared Table, will be sold on Monday, September 29 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Madera Clubhouse. Cookbooks are $15 each or buy ten and get one free. Checks should be made payable to TWOQC Charity Account. Cash is okay, too. All proceeds go to benefit Genesis House for…
September 2014
Tumacookery kitchen tips

Peggy McGee Although one hears, “I don’t cook any more” quite often around Quail Creek, 102 cooking enthusiasts (or at least occasional cooking enthusiasts) were at the Madera Clubhouse to hear Tumacookery owner Randy Wade talk about the latest in time saving kitchen gadgets at a recent TWOQC meeting. Perhaps the ladies were eager to…
September 2014
September TGIF
It’s the groovy ‘60s, baby! September TGIF Party will be in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom with music by the Rusty Zippers on Friday, September 19. Ticket price is $18; a cash bar opens at 4:30 p.m. followed by a dinner buffet at 5:00 p.m. The Groovy ‘60s—it brings back a flood of memories. At…
September 2014
Red Cross Blood Drive October 19 at Madera Clubhouse
The American Red Cross will have a blood drive at Madera Clubhouse Silver Room on October 19, 2014, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Be someone’s hero; you can save more than one life with just one donation. The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood. Appointments can be made starting September 1…
September 2014
Dance workshop and ballroom dance classes offered
On September 17, Kathi Bobillot is offering a Dance Workshop at the Madera Clubhouse. Kathi owned a successful Ballroom Dance business in Seattle for 25 years before she retired to Quail Creek. She ran these workshops in Washington to help students understand which dances to do to various music. These workshops are for all levels…
September 2014
Wellness presentation “Living Safely and Independently at Home” September 15
Living Safely and Independently at Home will be presented in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom on Monday, September 15, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers will be Sarah Gates, RN and Carrie Klaege, MS, CCM. As we age we all face many choices. This informative presentation will focus on the choice between assisted living and…
September 2014
Woodcrafters Club general meeting notice
Jim Burkhart There will be a general meeting of the Quail Creek Woodcrafters Club on September 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse in the Crystal Ballroom. The new A & T building is really looking good and the Woodcrafters will have a shop that we have worked hard for. There will be much…
September 2014
July photo contest – Pete Murphy wins hands down

Robert Thoresen Old Tombstone was the location for Pete’s winning photograph Gunslinger. The contest theme was Hands which required the three finalists to go out and plan the shot rather than culling through their photo files for an appropriate entry. Pete’s granddaughter was visiting this summer and a visit to Tombstone was one of the…
September 2014
A chance to say “thank you”
Everyone knows how effective a simple Thank You can be in making a person feel appreciated. And everyone probably also knows that, in general, people don’t tell one another often enough how much they are valued not only for what they do but also for who they are. Well, Quail Creek will be giving you…