Joyce Shumate TRIPS returns to Kitt Peak for the third time. The Night Sky Observing Program will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 29. This very popular program has in the past sold out within three to four hours. On a clear night, Kitt Peak is not to be missed or soon forgotten. The nation’s observatory was built there for…
Category: September 2019
Generals, September 2019
Bandstand the musical! December 7

Bandstand will be playing a 2:00 p.m. matinee at the Orpheum Theatre in Phoenix on Saturday, Dec. 7. Put your dancing shoes on, hop on the bus, and join us for the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical production of Bandstand! Quail Creek is pleased to announce the upcoming bus trip to the Orpheum Theater in Phoenix on…
Generals, September 2019
Online voting returns!
Jim Emery, chair of the Quail Creek Property Owners Association (QCPOA) Election Committee The 2019 QCPOA board election will, once again, use electronic voting this fall. Electronic voting is much quicker and easier than the old paper ballot method. You can access the ballot from anywhere that you can connect to the Internet and be…
Features, September 2019
Word of the Month: Extirpate
David Zapatka While traveling this summer on the Goldwing, I chose to visit the granddaddy of all outdoor sporting goods stores, Bass Pro Shops in Springfield, Missouri. If you’ve never been there, it’s spectacular and certainly worth a visit. More than 4,000,000 tourists visit this store every year, more than double the tourists to the…
Generals, September 2019
Quail Creek to host Navy Birthday Ball on Oct. 12

Paul Engstrom, Quail Creek Navy Veteran’s Association This year, the U.S. Navy will celebrate its 244th birthday, and the Quail Creek Navy Veteran’s Association will gather to salute the greatest navy that has ever sailed the seven seas. All Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard veterans, their families and friends, are invited to attend the Quail…
Clubs & Classes, September 2019
TRIPS 2019-20 season
Joyce Shumate The Quail Creek TRIPS committee (a division of the Education Committee) has planned an exciting list of places to visit this upcoming season. Most trips will explore Tucson and southern Arizona and are limited to 15 to 20 participants. The following is a schedule of the destinations and the months that are planned: October: Kitt Peak Nightly Observing Program (NOP)…
Front Page, September 2019
VA speakers share how our donations are used

Peggy McGee One homeless veteran is one too many for those who have served, but when there are almost 1,000, many with families, then it’s a major problem. Fortunately, the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System—better known as the Tucson VA Hospital—has aggressively addressed this problem, and the number of homeless veterans has decreased significantly over the…
Sports, September 2019
Putters summer schedule continues
Peggy McGee The Lady Putters will continue their summer schedule of putting every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., even after the over-seeding is completed. They will begin their winter schedule on Nov. 6, with a 10:00 a.m. start. Check-in time starts 30 minutes before start time. Ladies are invited to join the Putters at any time of…
Front Page, September 2019
Women prevail at annual Prickly Pair Tournament

Jacquie Owens On a hot sunny day, 60 players from the Quail Creek 18-hole ladies and men’s golf associations met to play the annual Prickly Pair Tournament. Thirty men and 30 women paired off and headed out to their respective holes for a lively match-play competition! In the end, team scores were totaled and were…
Clubs & Classes, September 2019
Are you ready for a toe-tapping, foot-stomping, boot-kicking evening of fun?

Cindy Mayron Are you ready for a toe-tapping, foot-stomping, boot-kicking evening of fun? Garland Smith, a professional square dance caller, will provide the entertainment at the Javelina Hoedown, sponsored by The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC), on Sunday, Oct 13, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. “I have more than 35 years of…