Category: September 2013
September 2013
Upcoming wellness presentation
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery will be presented by guest speaker Dr. Richard Chua, MD, FAANS, FACS, on Monday, October 14, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Admission is free. If you’ve contemplated surgery to help relieve back pain, we invite you to attend this seminar presented by neurosurgeon Dr. Richard Chua…
September 2013
The women win the Prickly Pear tournament

It was just one year ago that the QCLGA 18 hole golfers challenged the QCMGA to a total net score tournament, men flighted with women to compete for the Prickly Pair Cactus Trophy and bragging rights. To their great surprise and dismay, the men took the trophy! Thursday, August 8, 2013, they had their revenge.…
September 2013
Pickleball comes to Quail Creek

Dusty Friedman Quail Creek residents are very excited about the new pickleball facility now being built near the front gate. Already 400 residents have signed up to receive email announcements from the Quail Creek Pickleball Club, QCPC. And nearly 200 of them also signed up for instructional nights in September and October. Pickleball is the…
September 2013
Monday Night Book Club to meet October 7
Jane Bottlinger On Monday, October 7, the Book Club will meet in the Madera Clubhouse Gold Room at 7:00 p.m. Judy Thut will facilitate our discussion of Death Comes to Pemberley by P. D. James. The year is 1803 and Darcy and Elizabeth have been married for six years. There are now two handsome and…
September 2013
July 4th grand marshall
Right after her graduation from Mount Saint Agnes College in Baltimore in 1966, Peggy McGee was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Women’s Army Corps. Her first assignments were in personnel and administration, two of the three fields opened to Army women at that time. Her last assignment while on active duty was as Death…
September 2013
The Women of Quail Creek Club hosts baby shower
September 2013
Upcoming POA Board and Administrative dates to remember
Quail Creek residents are invited to attend Question and Answer and Board of Directors meetings. All the Q & A meetings are on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse Gold Room on the following upcoming dates: September 27, October 11 and 16 and December 13. The next Board of Directors meeting will be Thursday,…
September 2013
Spotlight on Advertiser – The Carlson Bridge™
The Carlson Bridge™ is a non-invasive, no-grind biological bridge. It is the only patented direct composite bridge available in the world. It is a new type of bridgework available to make dentistry, more affordable and less invasive. With this new-age technology, it may no longer be necessary to cut healthy teeth to bridge a space…
September 2013
Quail Creek Fourth of July parade and honorees

Pat Thoresen The theme of this year’s Fourth of July celebration was Hats Off To Our Heroes with special honorees being Quail Creek Vietnam veterans. Over 35 Vietnam veterans enjoyed a complementary coffee and pastry before the Opening Ceremony and marched out together to take part in the presentation of colors and flag raising ceremony…