Category: Features

Firehouse dinner and tour

First row: Paul Ellsworth, Lynda Eckebrecht, Justine Lewis, Paula Scafuri, Bernie Sullivan, Tom Sullivan, Brenda Easley; second row: Firefighter Anthony Taylor, Ralph Scafuri, Robert Lewis, Jim Easley, Bill Eckebrecht

Justine Lewis Members of the former Quail Creek Ballroom Dance Club won the Firehouse Dinner auction at the Firefighter’s Ball held in March at the Madera Clubhouse. They were treated to a fabulous steak dinner, tour of Station 151 and an exciting ride on the fire truck on Tuesday, May 9, 2017. After their fabulous…

Dollars and Sense

Diversification is still important to retirees Edward Jones Financial Advisor During your working years, your primary investment goal is generally growth – you need your money to grow so that you can eventually afford the comfortable retirement lifestyle you’ve envisioned. But when you retire, should you change course and adjust your investment strategy from offense…

TWOQC needs help with YOTO cookbook

Diane Quinn If you already know anything about Youth On Their Own (YOTO), you may be wondering why a homeless person needs a cookbook. Let’s talk about what homelessness means for YOTO. For most of us, having a home means stability, and when we were growing up it meant having parents there to provide food,…

TWOQC remembers the homeless Vets

Jodi Frederick, Homeless Program Coordinator at the VA Hospital, looks over the gift bags delivered by Peggy McGee; photo by Eric Jacobson.

Peggy McGee May is Military Appreciation Month and The Women of Quail Creek took time to do something extra special for the homeless veterans supported by the VA Hospital in Tucson. Instead of receiving the usual door prizes at the monthly meeting, members were asked to bring a gift bag for the homeless veterans. Each…