Robert Lewis I thought the USGA was only about handicapping, conducting 13 major golf championships each year, professional and amateur ratings, free USGA hat when you sign up, rules and more rules and yes—more rules. But did you know that the USGA has a significant Course Consulting Service (CCS). The CCS started in 1953 and…
Category: Sports
Sports, May 2017
The spirit of the Desert Duffers in action

David Larson The Quail Creek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club (Desert Duffers) once again showed their willingness to help others. Annual Easter Ham Donation: In the weeks prior to Easter, before the Duffers shotgun tee times, donations from the Duffers were accepted for this annual event. This allowed the Duffers to purchase 30 hams for…
Sports, May 2017
Lady Putters and Lady Niners join forces
Peggy McGee Although the morning started out cool as the Lady Putters and Lady Niners entered the Roadrunner course on April 13, by mid-morning things had warmed up and the ladies enjoyed the warm sunshine. The event saw 32 two-person teams, one from each golf group compete in the competition. The Niners hit the ball…
Sports, May 2017
QCL9GA tournament season ends
Sports, May 2017
Robson Challenge at Robson Ranch

Tim Phillips The Robson Challenge, on hold for the last two years, was played at Robson Ranch with teams from five Robson entities participating on April 19, 2017. The following communities sent teams this year: Quail Creek, Robson Ranch, SaddleBrooke Ranch, Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls both from PebbleCreek. Each team was comprised of 16…
Sports, May 2017
QCWGA holds Pick Your Partner Match Play event

Terri Erickson The Quail Creek Women’s 18 Hole Golf Club held a three day, pick your partner, round robin match play on the last days of March. Besides the challenge of three days and every hole counts, the weather was not cooperative, chasing the ladies into their carts or under cover while the wind blew…
Sports, May 2017
Results from Quail Creek Tennis tournament and hot dog BBQ

Rick and Lily Ransdell Forty-nine participants played doubles matches for five days during the Quail Creek tennis tournament from February 27 through March 3. All teams played hard and had fun! There was great camaraderie in each competing team and everyone enjoyed the strong sense of sportsmanship. Congratulations to the first place winners The Racqueteers…
Sports, May 2017
QCLGA-18 Member/Guest Tournament results

Terri Erickson Meaning? Women empowered! And that certainly was the occasion on two days in April when Pam Campbell and her committee Holly Crombie, Linda Klaus, Beth Davis and Mary Lou Johnson created a fabulous member/guest tournament for the Quail Creek Women’s 18-hole golf club. The event began mid-day on April 19 with registration, raffle…
Sports, May 2017
MountainView visits QC Lady Putters

Peggy McGee When the Lady Putters from MountainView came to Quail Creek, they were greeted by shouts of “welcome” as they passed under an arch of raised putters. Forty-four MountainView Putters competed against 64 Quail Creek Putters for this annual event forming 18 teams of six Putters each. To distinguish the two teams, everyone from…