Robert Lewis I thought the USGA was only about handicapping, conducting 13 major golf championships each year, professional and amateur ratings, free USGA hat when you sign up, rules and more rules and yes—more rules. But did you know that the USGA has a significant Course Consulting Service (CCS). The CCS started in 1953 and…
Category: May 2017
Sports, May 2017
The spirit of the Desert Duffers in action

David Larson The Quail Creek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club (Desert Duffers) once again showed their willingness to help others. Annual Easter Ham Donation: In the weeks prior to Easter, before the Duffers shotgun tee times, donations from the Duffers were accepted for this annual event. This allowed the Duffers to purchase 30 hams for…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
MOAA Awards Scholarships

Peggy McGee Fifty Military Officers Association members and guests gathered in the Madera Clubhouse to recognize and award $1500 scholarships each to three graduating JROTC Cadets. First Lieutenant Richard Newman, president of the MOAA Scholarship and Military Assistance Fund, presented the awards. Cadet Major Ana Figaro, Air Force JROTC, Nogales High School, will be heading…
Features, May 2017
Dollars and Sense
Don’t let your investments take a “vacation” It’s summer again – time for many of us to take a break and possibly hit the open road. But even if you go on vacation, you won’t want your investments to do the same – in summertime or any other season. How can you help make sure…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
TWOQC to receive presentation by Korean War Veteran
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
Update on proposed Rosemont Copper Mine at DCQC May 20 meeting

Cindy Mayron Gayle Hartmann will be the guest speaker at the Democratic Club of Quail Creek meeting on Saturday, May 20, 3:00 p.m., at the Madera Clubhouse Silver Room. She will provide an update on the proposed Rosemont Copper Mine in the Santa Rita Mountains. The public is welcome to attend. Hartmann is the president…
Generals, May 2017
From The New Home Sales Team
Sales have been busy at Quail Creek. We sold 12 homes in April and 43 since the beginning of the year. Be sure to greet your new neighbors! Restaurant Expansion Signs have been posted for the upcoming restaurant expansion to the Grill at Quail Creek. Renovations are expected to begin in August and anticipated to…
Sports, May 2017
Lady Putters and Lady Niners join forces
Peggy McGee Although the morning started out cool as the Lady Putters and Lady Niners entered the Roadrunner course on April 13, by mid-morning things had warmed up and the ladies enjoyed the warm sunshine. The event saw 32 two-person teams, one from each golf group compete in the competition. The Niners hit the ball…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
March 2017 Photography Club Contest: Family

The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued into 2017 with its monthly members’ contest having a theme Family. This month it drew another large number of entries – we had 21 shots submitted by members, all of which can be seen on our Flickr site: Jim Burkstrand‘s first place photo, A Happy Dance, was taken…
Clubs & Classes, May 2017
Democratic Club holds 8th annual BBQ and Fundraiser

Cindy Mayron Last month over 60 members and guests attended the Democratic Club of Quail Creek’s eighth annual BBQ and fundraiser, hosted by Jerry and Carol Smith. The food was provided by Mama’s Hawaiian Bar-Be-Que at the Fry’s Food Center in Sahuarita. The event included a silent auction, 50-50 cash raffle and a demonstration of…