Left to right: Carol Richardson, member; Sue Ann Obremski, president; and Kathi Krieg, treasurer
Connie Vaughan
In December, Caring Hearts and Hands of Quail Creek, along with Quail Creek Women Golfers, spread holiday cheer to needy families in South Tucson. “Santa Wish Lists” from schools associated with Lapan Sunshine Foundation were provided, and the “elves” had a terrific time shopping and wrapping presents, then delivering carloads of gifts to the Lapan headquarters on 9th Street in Tucson.
The Lapan Sunshine Foundation, Inc., mission is to envision a time when every student in South Tucson has the resources, support, and ambition to pursue their highest aspirations for academic and professional success. To this end, Lapan is involved with South Tucson schools, from preschool all the way through high school.