Why Join The Women of Quail Creek?

At top: Members having fun at a 1920s-themed luncheon (photo by Lois Haglund)

TWOQC members “On the Go” in Tucson (photo by Pat Neel)

Rock Painting small group activity (photo by Janet Runford)

Deb Melton

The short answer is to meet friends, have fun, learn new things, and give back to the community. The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) welcomes residents of Quail Creek to become members and enjoy the many perks of membership. Dues are only $25 per year. If you are already a member, it’s time to renew. And if you are new to Quail Creek, there’s no better way to get acquainted and get involved than becoming a member of TWOQC.

Once a month, we offer an evening program or member luncheon. Thanks to the creativity of our director of programs Sharon Pulcinella and her committee, TWOQC started a new feature this year—small group activities. You may have read about some of the offerings in the Quail Creek Crossing. Groups range from rock painting and book discussions, to “In My Kitchen” cooking demonstrations and recipe sharing, to “On the Go” day trips. The genealogy small group even spawned a new Quail Creek Club!

TWOQC is more than fun and games. Our mission states that “We are a community of women dedicated to learning, giving and engaging.” We fulfill that mission in a variety of ways. One of those is through awarding scholarships. The Scholarship Committee, headed by Judy White, is a very important part of TWOQC and is our main giving endeavor. We award scholarships to girls from Walden Grove High School, Sahaurita High School, and this year, we are adding Rio Rico High School. In addition to girls graduating from high school, we also seek candidates for the Women in Transition (WiT) scholarships, i.e., adult women returning to school to finish degrees or seek new careers. Scholarships are awarded at a special event at the Madera Clubhouse the last Monday of April, and it is open to anyone who would like to attend. Last year, we awarded $20,000 to 10 women!

Funding for scholarships and other charitable giving is the responsibility of the Funding and Giving Committee, headed by Nancy Jacobs. Perhaps you heard about or attended the Javelina Hoedown in October at the Madera Clubhouse or purchased raffle tickets for a chance to win a gift basket at the Fall Arts Festival. Those funds and others go to support our scholarship efforts.

Members serve on the Community Outreach Committee, headed by Barb Huntsinger. She and her committee identify other needs that support our larger community of Green Valley and Sahaurita. You may remember the book drive last spring for children attending San Xavier Elementary School as one example. If community is one of your interests, you may want to join in this effort.

Within the Quail Creek community, You Are Not Alone (YANA), headed by Bobbi Gordon, supports women who have been recently widowed with practical information and other support when dealing with the death of a spouse. If you know of a resident who may need this service, please contact Bobbi.

Whether you are new to Quail Creek or have been here a while, TWOQC would love to have you join us. Membership information is available at the clubhouse or at www.womenqc.com.