Come join QC Ukulele Club

Kris Shapiro

Quail Creek Ukulele Club would like to invite you to come and join us in our new meeting place. We meet the first and third Monday of each month. Our meeting room is in the Mesquite Room located in the Kino Conference Center. Our meetings start at 3:00 p.m. Whether you are a beginner, just curious or already know how to play the ukulele, feel free to join us anytime. You can also read any updates on our Facebook page. Just type in Quail Creek Ukulele Group. Whether you are in our group or not, you can click the “join” button and follow along with us on our musical journey. If you have any questions, please email me, Kris Shapiro, at or message me on Facebook. You can also reach me at 520-274-4150. Hope to see you there!