Each evening we had a wonderful time enjoying snacks and socializing and talking about the upcoming events.
Debbie Semrai
Quiz: You live in Arizona. How do you spell the town where Rex Allen, the Arizona cowboy, was born? Figure it out and you’ll know where the RV Club went in March.
There were 15 rigs that showed up to enjoy the fun.
First evening we had a wonderful time enjoying snacks and socializing and talking about the upcoming events.
Next day many from the group went to Chiricahua National Monument and did a hike. It is known as the Wonderland of Rocks. The 11,985 acre site is all about the beauty, natural sounds and wildlife inhabitants. The highlight was the Hoodoos, which are tall thin spires of rock. They range from 5’ to 147’ tall. Amazing!
Others took the dirt road route to Ft. Bowie National Monument. Fort Bowie commemorates the bitter conflict between Chiricahua Apaches and the U.S. military – a lasting monument to the bravery and endurance of U.S. soldiers in paving the way for settlement and the taming of the western frontier.
Of course, there has to be golf as part of the itinerary in Arizona. Not everyone golfs, but those that do appreciate Michael “the golf guy” who gets it all coordinated for us. Others just hung out to relax, read a book or maybe sneak in a nap. The thing I’m really going to love about this club is that everyone can do their own thing and then get together and share their adventures.
Then there was the day of wine tasting. I had no idea how many vineyards there were in the area. We tasted so many wonderful varieties! Many of us couldn’t resist buying a few bottles to share later.
Each evening we gathered on the patio for snacks, cocktails and socializing. It was great that everyone mingled and got to know each other better. One night we all brought something to grill and a side dish. No one ever goes home hungry! Friday morning we all brought something to contribute to “breakfast in a bag” which means eggs in a bag with the fixings of your choice, boiled in a pot of hot water and there you have an omelet. Delicious!
Overall, it was a wonderful trip. Though the weather was interesting with some clouds one day, temperature changes and pretty gusty wind, who can complain about the weather in Arizona? We deal with it. It’s more about the people and the friendships we make.
Answer to the quiz: Rex Allen was born in Wilcox, Arizona in December 1920 and died in December 1999 in Tucson, Arizona. The Rex Allen Museum is awesome!
Next month the Quail Creek RV Club will have some more fun at Fool’s Hollow National Park campground.
The most wonderful places to be in the world are in someone’s thoughts, someone’s prayers and someone’s heart. ~ Author unknown