The gathering of both clubs for the 7:30 a.m. shotgun

The committee: Roy Barnes, Dreama Fumia, Carol Clifford and Dave Schutt

Skip Fumia, Carol Clifford, Gail Phillips and Joel Jaress with the traveling Prickly Pair trophy

President Skip Fumia receives the Humble Pie from President Gail
Terri Erickson
Congratulations to co-chairs Carol Clifford and Dave Schutt for a successful men against women golf tournament. It was a team match play event, two women paired against two men heading out together at 7:30 a.m. on the damp Thursday morning of August 4. The finale took place at the delicious deli luncheon in the Madera Clubhouse presented by Epi and her crew. Joel Jaress was on hand to do the scoring and presentations.
So, there they were, waiting for the announcement. Would the men’s club keep the trophy they earned last year, or would they have to take back the “humble pie” they presented to the women’s club? President Gail Phillips joyfully returned the pie to President Skip Fumia and Joel presented Gail the traveling Prickly Pair trophy while all the ladies cheered!
Plans are, they’ll do it all again next year!