The qualifying QCLGA team that played at Canoa Ranch: Vicky Thomas, Elly Cashel, Sharon Schoen, Susan McCune, Peg Avent, Sandi Hrovatin, Julia Fox, and Jacquie Owens
Janet Johnson and Jacquie Owens
The last of our fun five summer golf tournaments was played at Canoa Ranch on Aug. 7, with a nice luncheon that followed. Desert Hills won first place in Gross team points, and Torres Blancas won first in Net team points. Our Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association (QCLGA) team placed third in overall Net Stableford points. Congrats to all our participants! Our QC co-captains Linda Ulery and Jacquie Owens want to thank the Tournament Committee for their assistance in compiling the scores, and a huge thank you to all the qualifying ladies who played their hearts out in the heat and humidity at the various five courses (San Ignacio, Quail Creek, Desert Hills, Canoa Ranch/Torres Blancas).
Here is the complete list of the ladies who represented QCLGA at the five tournaments: Peg Avent, Robin Brannan, Elly Cashel, Marie Cook, Alice Dyke, Julia Fox, Jane Gibson, Sonia Heeren, Cyndi Hoover, Sandi Hrovatin, Dena Knox, Susan McCune, Sherry Morris, Mary Newman, Phyllis O’Brien, Jacquie Owens, Cheryl Opsal, Kathy Printz, Sharon Schoen, Stacia Sower, Vicky Thomas, and Linda Ulery.
These events are a great way to meet and play with other ladies, and at the different local Green Valley golf courses. Come join in on the fun next year!