Tag: Green Committee

From the Green Committee

  Robert Lewis, Green Committee A long-term strategy for golf course improvement, identified in our recent USGA onsite review, was started in June with the punching and sanding of all fairways. The Roadrunner course saw an additional amount of sand (on two separate applications) to begin establishing a better base for the grass to grow.…

Summer Golf Course Maintenance Initiative

  Robert Lewis, Green Committee A very interesting question was asked at the March Green Committee Meeting. The question was, “What recommendations have we implemented from previous golf course studies?” One example was to implement the counterclockwise spinal brushes on all green mowers providing a smoother putting surface after cutting. The most current study, by…

Golf maintenance: a year round process

Robert Lewis, Green Committee The process of overseed is just around the corner. Once the winter grass is planted, however, one very important course maintenance function stops. That is the process of aeration. Aeration of our greens, fairways and teeing areas typically means puncturing the surface of the grass and on the greens, then applying…

The USGA and golf course maintenance

Robert Lewis I thought the USGA was only about handicapping, conducting 13 major golf championships each year, professional and amateur ratings, free USGA hat when you sign up, rules and more rules and yes—more rules. But did you know that the USGA has a significant Course Consulting Service (CCS). The CCS started in 1953 and…

Introducing the new Green Committee-Members tour Maintenance Facility

Left to right: Craig Parsons, Doug Detman, Ralph Scafuri, Bill Drozda, JR Kies, Robert Lewis

Robert Lewis On Thursday, March 9 three new members of the Green Committee (GC), Doug Detman, Bill Drozda and Robert Lewis, along with the current Chairperson Ralph Scafuri and Vice Chairperson Craig Parsons visited the Golf Maintenance Facility so new committee members could better understand the golf maintenance operations. JR Kies, Course Superintendent, provided the…

Water Conservation and Turf Reduction

Robert Lewis To start, at the last Green Committee meeting it was announced that Phase II of the Range Improvement Program (remember that Phase I was the leveling of the practice range teeing area and installation of the new hitting mats) will begin shortly after the last major golf tournament in April. The delay was…

Golf Course water conservation initiatives

Robert Lewis A study conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Resource Economies and Cooperative Extension at the University of Arizona in conjunction with the Cactus and Pine Golf Course Superintendents Association (GCSA) titled Contribution of the Golf Industry to the Arizona Economy in 2014, published in 2016, provides an excellent look at the golf…

Some Green Committee reminders

Skip and Dreama Fumia This month we’d just like to offer a few Green Committee reminders for you. As is the practice across our Quail Creek committees, Green Committee meetings are open to all residents. The Green Committee meets the first Monday of each month (unless the schedule is disrupted by a holiday) at 1:30…

What governs golf at Quail Creek?

Skip and Dreama Fumia If you’ve ever asked yourself that question (What governs golf at Quail Creek?), you’ve also probably guessed that the answer is “it depends”-. As it turns out, a lot of life’s questions have an “it depends” answer. But let’s try to limit our scope of discussion to our golf question. What…