RTS… Let’s use our voices

We Arizonans have the ability to voice our opinion to our State Legislators through a program known as “Request to Speak.” Have you heard of it?

Learn about it at the DCQC meeting on May 18. Our quest speaker will be Mary Darling, Chair of the Santa Cruz County Democrats and the Director of Party Affairs with the Arizona Democratic Party.

Ms. Darling transitioned her organizing, vision, relationship building and problem-solving skills from her former professional life to grassroots organizing in the 2012 Obama re-election campaign here in southern Arizona. Her passion is community engagement while meeting voters or volunteers where they are since everyone has something to offer.

Consider the Request to Speak (RTS), unique to Arizona, to provide an online “call to the public” platform to engage with our State Legislature, especially  for Arizonans outside of Maricopa County.

The meeting will be held in the Silver Room in the Madera Clubhouse at 3:00 p.m. on May 18. All are invited!