Quail Creek’s X-traordinary X-tra Ladies (from left): Dianne Thomson, Peggy McGee and Margaret Blumberg.
Dreama Fumia
Nearly five years ago the Quail Creek X-tra was born. Although many contributed to the “birth” (the former Communications Committee, POA Board representative Gil Lusk and HOA webmaster Daryl Laux), the two emergent creators were editor Margaret Blumberg and layout manager/publisher Dianne Thomson. After three and one-half years of production, Margaret stepped away from the X-tra to pursue other interests, and current editor Peggy McGee ably assumed her job. Now both Peggy and Dianne are ready to devote more of their “retirement” to other endeavors; thus, the December 2015 X-tra edition will be its last. Recently Margaret, Dianne and Peggy sat down to reflect on the role of the X-tra and their experiences.
All agreed that the role of the X-tra since inception was to provide information to our residents regarding future events. Here are some X-tra “just the facts, ma’am.” It’s a black and white, 8.5”x17” fold-out publication, typically 14-16 pages, distributed at the first of each month, contains no ads and few, if any, personal pronouns! Articles and photos are contributed by QC residents, edited by Margaret, then Peggy, assembled for production by Dianne, produced by local printer Post-Net, then distributed to five locations: Grill, Clubhouse, Sales, Anza and CATC, for resident pickup.
All three ladies, resident volunteers, came to the X-tra with superb talent and interesting relative backgrounds: Peggy from her days in Army and VA Public Affairs Offices; Dianne with her B.S. and M.S. in English, and later, having “turned techie,” to a community college course in publishing; and Margaret as a university mathematics professor and early technical typist/content editor for the mathematics department. Speaking to their generosity, each separately claimed that the other’s X-tra job was the more difficult.
After sharing the challenges and rewards of their X-tra experiences, Margaret, Dianne and Peggy expressed their thanks to the many contributors over the years. Special thanks go to Ron and Vicki Sullivan for their many local destination articles and photos. Our website administrator, Daryl Laux, has served as technical advisor and feature contributor to the X-tra since its beginning and has the gratitude of our X-tra ladies as well.
What now for residents who have come to know and love the X-tra? The editors of the Crossing will continue to cover upcoming events as well as photo coverage of past events. To include your club/activity events in the Crossing, please send articles (and photos!) to Chelsea Johnson at [email protected]; deadline is 4:00 p.m. on the 26th of each month for material to appear in the mid-month publication mailed to your home. The Crossing editors look forward to your contributions in an effort to continue the outstanding work of our X-tra ladies as we transition X-tra content to the Crossing.
Finally, the POA Board, General Manager and staff, on behalf of the residents of Quail Creek offer our sincere thanks and best wishes to our X-traordinary X-tra ladies!