Writers and Poets Club

Carl Rohne

The Quail Creek Writers and Poets Club is open to any Quail Creek resident with an interest in writing. Our writing family includes published authors, residents who would like to try writing (perhaps a family history), and those hard at work developing their writing in new genres. We have poets, playwrights, novelists, and short story specialists, and we welcome all who love books and good storytelling.

Our January meetings featured presentations by members on such topics as using Microsoft Word in the writing process, the value of writers conferences, web-based tools for writers, and trade and tech publications of interest to the writing community.

At our first February meeting, which was on Feb. 6, our webmaster David Bareiss gave us an update on the club’s website and on plans for future enhancements. Our second full meeting, which will be on Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. in the Kino Conference Center, will feature our president Joe Caldwell providing insight into the process of effectively editing our work as we move towards publication. Self-editing is a skill that every writer will want to develop as a fundamental building block for successful publication.

The second Thursday of every month is devoted to a planning session at which everyone is welcome and where ideas get hashed out for future meetings. Ideas and input are very welcome, indeed. There are also plans afoot for a possible fourth meeting, which might involve Word workshops or small group gatherings of writers interested in a common genre or facing a particular writing problem.

Our club members look forward to seeing you at our next meeting.