Kandi Roy created the stained glass design with the rising sun providing a background for the breast cancer ribbons all held in the arms of a Saguaro.
Gail Phillips
After 17 years hosting a Rally for the Cure for the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fight Breast Cancer, it is a challenge to design the setting for a day of golf and food and prizes and especially to honor our Quail Creek Cancer Survivors. Our three Quail Creek Golf Associations: the QCLGA, the QCL9GA and the QCLPA encourage our participants to wear themed outfits for their team photos and to enhance the flavor of our Madera Clubhouse Ballroom Luncheon venue.
Recently, to theme our day, we have chosen plays on words such as ‘SerengeTEE’ where animal print golfing attire turned the ballroom into a jungle. Then we based a theme on the lyrics of the song Hear me Roar and added – in Pink’ creating a sea of pink commemorating the color associated with breast cancer. This year we are highlighting the magnificent Saguaro Cactus and the almost ever-present sun in southern Arizona. Taking the yellow of the sun, the pink for breast cancer and the green of the majestic Saguaros which guard our golf course holes, we present a stained glass design as our logo.
Our golfing ladies have so many talents and our artist for the last two rallies is one of our 18-hole golfers, Kandi Roy, whose ideas and creative talents give us our original designs. Just present her the theme and her imagination takes flight! This year the rising sun provides a background for the breast cancer ribbons all held in the arms of a Saguaro.
The Rally for the Cure – In the Saguaro Sunshine is scheduled on Thursday, November 3, 2016. Registration forms are available in a special wooden chest in the Pro Shop and our registration closes on October 24 for the 18-Hole Event, the two Nine-Hole Events, the Putter Event and the luncheon.
Many of our loved ones will be remembered by our sponsors, whose memory signs will appear on our golf holes. Forms to purchase these sponsorships are also in the Pro Shop Rally Chest.
After our themed Tostada Bar Buffet Luncheon, we will be proudly acknowledging our cancer survivors. As an adult community, we are amazed at the number of thriving cancer champions who participate actively in all our events and give us hope.
It is a day not to be missed, organized by a core committee from all three golf associations and the many sub-committees they form. If you need more information contact either Sharon Paxson at [email protected] or Gail Phillips at [email protected].