Debbie Huber has fun modeling one of the Perfect Wraps next to fabric of some of the other choices; photo by Diane Quinn.
Diane Quinn
The Women of Quail Creek will launch a major fund raiser at their October 31 membership program. Prior to the gathering, orders will be taken for handmade shawls, produced by both members and non-members, with all proceeds to benefit Youth on Their Own (YOTO).
TWOQC will be selling the shawls during the upcoming Quail Creek Fall Festival Arts and Crafts Fair, November 5 and 6 in the Madera Clubhouse. Referred to as “The Perfect Wrap,” each is wearable in a variety of ways and complements any figure. Made from a variety of fabrics, they are perfect for either casual or more dressy occasions. They are also a perfect addition to a woman’s travel wardrobe, being lightweight and packable. The shawls will come in a variety of colors and prints and will sell for $20 each.
Youth on Their Own is the newest beneficiary of support by The Women of Quail Creek. YOTO is a highly successful program designed to promote high school graduation of young people who lack a safe, stable night-time residence. They are on their own through no fault of their own. Whether due to family emergency, abusive home environments, parental deportation or other factors, these young people find themselves with no consistent parental figure to provide support and guidance. YOTO becomes the answer for the lucky youth who have the desire to stay in school and work toward a stable future.
YOTO assists students by providing monthly stipends to those that meet program goals of staying in school, making good grades and providing monthly reports from teachers and staff to verify school performance. Students’ basic human needs are addressed through on-site mini malls at each participating high school where students can get food, shampoos and personal care products they need. Each YOTO school site also provides guidance to participating students, providing stable adult input for struggling students.
A highly successful program, YOTO has a 92% graduation rate. YOTO receives no Federal funding. The program is completely dependent upon private grants and donations. The Women of Quail Creek is excited to be a new resource of support for this important organization. For more information about YOTO consult their website: yoto.org.