Stephanie Esposto
The Women of Quail Creek held their ninth annual Homeless Veterans Clothing Drive on Saturday, October 20. They collected 8,771 items, packed 446 boxes and filled two 10-feet box trucks, three pick-up trucks and some SUVs. Monetary donations totaled $705. The event has grown considerably since founder Col. (Ret) Peggy McGee launched it in 2009 when they collected 800 items.
A big thank you goes out to this year’s event coordinators Anne Smith and Karen Johnson who worked diligently for months with team leaders to make this event the success that it was. The process was streamlined so it ran efficiently and smoothly while exemplifying team spirit. Many thanks to the 110 TWOQC volunteers, the Jr. ROTC of Sahuarita High School, the men of Quail Creek, the Smith and Johnson families who donated the cost of the box trucks and the many community supporters who donated quality items so generously.
The items were delivered to the VA on October 22 and will be used by veterans in the VA Homeless Veterans Program who are seeking employment and places to live. Donations unusable by the 1,075 homeless male and female vets in the program will be sent to the VA Hospital or sold at the November 10 garage sale. Proceeds from the recycled items will be sent to the Boys and Girls Club.
We wish the homeless Veterans who bravely and honorably served our country good luck and Godspeed in their efforts to seek the lifestyle they deserve.