Joe Longo, president of the MOAA Scholarship and Military Assistance Fund, presented the gift cards to MAJ Melissa Gonzales, XO of the 162nd, on Nov. 4. (Photo by Elliott Jones)
Peggy McGee
With a limit on the number of turkeys one can buy still in effect at the Davis-Monthan Commissary, the Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), had to do a modified Turkeys for the Troops presentation this year. Instead of a turkey and $25 gift card to purchase the necessary foods for a Thanksgiving feast, 30 junior enlisted troops from the 162nd Fighter Wing, AZ Air National Guard, received a $50 gift card for the commissary. Unfortunately, the Chapter did not receive their usual $1,500 grant for the Turkeys for the Troops project this year. Rather, these gift cards were made possible with the successful Food for the Troops collection and 50/50 raffle at Quail Creek on July 4, plus the generosity of many Quail Creek residents and Chapter members.