The Women of Quail Creek—Not Just Ladies Who Lunch!

Inna Shames

Are you a woman who moved to Quail Creek recently, or a few years ago, or even 10+ years ago? You are retired or close to retiring. You want to do something meaningful, fun, or stimulating, or, better yet, all of the above, but you’re not sure you’re quite the “Women’s Club Type.”

Think again! The Women of Quail Creek (TWOQC) covers so much ground that the biggest problem new members usually have is what to choose, so here’s an overview:

Do you want to get involved in helping the community?

You’ve come to the right place! Chartered in 2004 with just a handful of women, TWOQC has grown to several hundred members and, since 2021, has been a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization committed to helping the community of Green Valley and beyond:

TWOQC Community Outreach is dedicated to lending a helping hand to the community by selecting and supporting projects that benefit organizations in our area. Whether through collection of in-kind donations or sale of Jim Click tickets, the impact of this group’s work is felt throughout the Sahuarita/Green Valley area and beyond.

The committee also supports the Honor Flight project, encouraging members to write letters thanking veterans for their service. These letters are delivered to Honor Flight veterans during a “mail call” for the veterans to receive at the end of their flight.

TWOQC Scholarships is one of TWOQC’s most active committees, working year-round promoting scholarship opportunities for young women graduating from three area high schools: Rio Rico, Sahuarita, and Walden Grove, as well as through AWE (Advancing Women through Education), women over 21 returning to school to continue or further their education.

Their major fundraiser is the annual October Javelina Hoedown, and significant funding comes from endowments and generous benefactors. Since its inception in 2016, the Scholarship Committee has awarded nearly a quarter of a million dollars in scholarships to over 100 women!

Do you want to get to know the area beyond Green Valley, from Tucson to Nogales and more?

TWOQC On-the-Go Excursions: TWOQC ladies love exploring Tucson and surrounding areas. Always a favorite, On-the-Go outings are day trips to get to know the area. Past trips have included a Tucson Sun Link Streetcar excursion, the Reid Park Zoo, Nogales Border Patrol Station, Tohono Chul Gardens & Galleries, Ben’s Bells, and the Tucson Piñata Factory, to name just a few, with many more fun and educational trips in store for 2025!

Are you a foodie?

TWOQC In My Kitchen. Hostesses open their homes to small groups and share some of their favorite recipes and tips. Hands-on exploring a variety of cuisines, menus, and courses all happens in the comfort of residents’ kitchens.

Are you a gardener?

TWOQC Garden Group is for you. Love gardening but unsure how it works out here in the Arizona desert? The Garden Group offers talks from local experts about desert gardening, visits to local gardens, as well as demonstrations and planting tips.

Are you the crafty type?

TWOQC Craft Small Groups. There are always lots of arts and crafts activities happening at a variety of members’ homes, including rock painting, paper flowers, decoupage, wreath-making, decorative jars, painted tennis shoes, woven potholders, painted flower pots, earrings, ceramics, and much more. Explore your creative side in a laid-back, casual setting limited only by the imagination of our membership!

Perhaps a game player?

The 2025 Game Agenda includes Bunko; Mexican Train; Hand, Knee, and Foot; and even a “bring your own game” event, so come join the fun at the Kino Center. It’s all non-competitive and open to beginners and experts alike. Time to try a new game!

Or an avid reader?

Whether you want to discuss books in your own home by Zoom or attend a small group discussion, there’s a Book Club Group that’s just right for you.

Love to decorate?

Our luncheons and fundraiser events are always beautifully decorated thanks to the creative group of ladies who work behind the scenes determining themes, making decorations, and setting up for a variety of events.

Do you have leadership skills?

Want to give back but didn’t have time when you were working full time? TWOQC elects new positions on the board of directors each year. The board is an amazing group of nine women who collaborate and function as a team to lead The Women of Quail Creek.

Just want to meet other members?

The Programs Committee organizes numerous member events, whether an interesting speaker, cocktail party, or various Holiday Luncheons, bringing members together for food, drinks, and fun.

Connecting Over Coffee is on the 10th of every month at 10 a.m. in the Madera clubhouse Gold Room where members gather to discuss a pre-selected topic. Just drop in. It’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends!

All this and more is available to every woman who lives in Quail Creek and becomes a member, whether you’re a full-time resident or part-time snowbird. To find out more about TWOQC, go to

The Women of Quail Creek, a community of Women dedicated to Learning, Giving, and Engaging!