QCCLA Couples Two-Person Chapman Scotch

Janet Johnson Both players tee off, hit alternate tee shots, choose the best one, alternate to hole in. Flight 1 Low Gross 1. Steve and Connie Hiles, 77 Low Net 1. Bill and Linda Price, 66 2. Dave Erickson and Jacquie Owens, 67 Flight 2 Low Gross Martin and Jill Wibbenhorst, 83 Low Net Mike…

QCCLA Couples Low Gross Low Net Best Ball, May 14

Janet Johnson Flight 1 Low Gross 1. Allred, Jay and Allred, Brenda; 77 Low Net 1. (tie) McCune, Doug and Susan, McCune; 67 1. (tie) Conn, Randy and Johnson, Janet; 67 1. (tie) Erickson, Dave and Owens, Jacquie; 67 Flight 2 Low Gross 1. Thompson, Jay and Thompson, Kathy; 79 Low Net 1. (tie) Coulter,…

QCCLA: 4-Person Dropout Scramble

Janet Johnson May through September play will be on the second Friday of each month. Flight 1 Gross 1st: Rathvon-Thompson, 64 2nd: Anderson-Davis-Davis-Turner, 67 Net 1st: Knox-McCune, 59 2nd (tie): Harrison-Lewis, 62 and Hansen-Topolski, 62 Flight 2 Gross 1st: Hamman-Whitehead, 66 2nd (tie): Allred-Tillapaugh, 69 Net 1st (tie): Brealey-Price, 58 and Erickson-Owens-Morgan-Morgan, 58 Flight 3…

Couples Golf Association 2021 News

Left to right: Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Jay Thompson, Pam Coulter, Connie Hiles, and Dena Knox

Janet Johnson Time for introductions! Our new and returning Quail Creek Couples Golf Association (QCCLA) board members are Jay Thompson, president; Dena Knox, secretary; Pam Coulter, treasurer; Bobbi Jo Rathvon, tournament chairperson; and Connie Hiles, tournament co-chairperson. Our first fun and exciting tournament was on Jan. 15. All of our events are played on the…