Tag: Finance Committee

2025 Budget Planning

Melani Caron Most homeowner and property owner associations use the calendar year as their fiscal year, and now is the time of year when many managers are formulating their budgets for the upcoming year. As you can imagine, there is a lot of work that goes into preparing the Quail Creek annual budget. It’s a…

Finance Committee Update

All Finance Committee meetings are to be held on the first Monday each month at 3 p.m. in the Kino Conference Room. Due to holiday conflicts, the July 2023 meeting will be on Monday, July 10, and the September meeting will be on Tuesday, Sept. 5, both also at 3 p.m. in the Kino Conference…

Recognizing QC volunteers – the Finance Committee

Finance Committee members, seated left to right: Jeane Hostetler, Leone Roberts, Steve Signore, Kathie Kidwell and Paula Scafuri; standing: Sue Baird, Rick Woods, JB Ranney and Denny Huber

Quail Creek is fortunate to have so many residents willing to give their time, talents and energies to our community. The POA Board members are grateful to all volunteers but, in particular, the Board appreciates the contributions of our committee volunteers. We will be running a series of pieces in this publication to recognize committee…