Realistic Expectations

Don Beaver, Fitness Director

Quail Creek boasts over 6,000 residents and, naturally, when it comes to fitness, there are a wide range of expectations/goals that we encounter at the Anza. This article will attempt to recognize what fitness goals you should be able to set given our facilities, equipment, group exercise classes, and other activities.

Lose Weight. All of us know that this is the most popular goal across America. Over the years, we have reduced activity and seen our caloric intake increase while our ability to burn those calories declines. Just look at the TV and you’ll hear numerous commercials promoting any number of “remedies” to weight gain, many of which suggest a dietary regimen that is not sustainable over time, nor would you want it to be. As simple as it sounds, there is one proven solution to losing weight: burn more calories than you consume. I know that’s a lot easier said than done, but it is the one sure fire method to lose weight. So, where do the Anza facilities come in? We can’t control your diet, but we offer plenty of ways to burn those calories via cardiovascular machines, lifting weights, participating in group fitness classes, play tennis and/or pickleball, swim laps, and join a water aerobics class.

Increase Strength. Let’s face it. We’ve all aged past the goal of looking like Arnold back in his day, but all of us have the capability of improving our strength through controlled weight-lifting, which leads to the burning of calories, improved balance/posture, body confidence, and, yes, possibly an improved golf, tennis, and/or pickleball game. If you decide to weight train, please understand that our older joints and muscles are drier and can be injured or even torn if you are not familiar with safe training methodologies. For instance, warm up and stretch before a weight lifting session, as well as afterwards. Remember that repetitions with lighter weights and full range of motion matter far more than heavier weight loads and poorly executed reps. Perform two or three sets with six to ten repetitions per set while being aware of allowing others to work in on machines rather than resting between sets. If you are unfamiliar with weight training and/or desire programming, I encourage you to contact one of our personal trainers, Laura or Steve McMurtry, accordingly.

Improve Balance/Mobility. This goal is “near and dear” to me, since both of my parents had to be admitted to an assisted living facility over four years ago due to the fact that they could no longer maintain their own personal safety without help. The Anza offers Gentle Yoga, SilverSneakers, Senior Balance, and another class called Fit & Strong, all of which are designed to assist us with mobility and balance so we can remain independent and in our homes as our bodies inevitably age. Please do not allow the comforts of retired life to negatively impact your lifestyle such that you lose your independence.

Meet a Specific Goal. Whether you want to improve as a golfer, hike the Grand Canyon, participate in a race/triathlon, impress others at a reunion/family event, etc., the Anza facilities and group exercise classes can help you attain that goal. Recently, two friends set a goal to be prepared for a hike of more than 90 miles in the mountains of Europe, sometimes with massive elevation changes of more than 4,000 feet a day over a 10-day adventure. They set aside two months to train on our treadmills with gradual increases in the incline and added yoga, swimming, and weight training to improve their strength and stamina. The result—they breezed through the hike while thoroughly enjoying the amazing beauty of the landscape along the trail. Two other friends routinely participate in swimming and biking races, but they don’t just roll out of bed prior to the races. They train religiously on a daily basis and often are awarded top finishers’ prizes in their age group. These two examples are very athletic-oriented, but your goal could be to fit into a certain dress size, get ready for bathing suit weather, or simply feel better about yourself. The Anza and related activities can be your answer.

Hope to see you here as we all continue to enjoy this journey together!