Left to right: Deborah Dunipace, Kathy Stacken, Coach Joannie Eastridge, Steve Huhta
Cindy Mayhle
Quail Creek was well represented in the Southern Arizona Senior Games swimming competition held March 18 at the Green Valley Recreation West Center pool. Swimming competition can be challenging and sometimes intimidating, especially for those new to this type of event. After weeks of instruction with coach and Instructor Joannie Eastridge, hard work and miles in the pool, each swimmer met the challenge and competed in their first swim meet as an adult swimmer. Congratulations go out to: Kathy Stacken in the 500 free style – 3rd place, 50 free – 2nd place, 25 free – 2nd place and 50 backstroke – 1st, Triathlon 1st. Deb Dunipace in the 500 free, 50 free and 25 free placing fourth in each event. Steve Huhta earned a first in the 25 breast, 50 breast and 25 back. Each of the swimmers is looking forward to continuing in their new found sport of competitive swimming.