Quail Creek Fights Back Team – Relay for Life


Carol Shelton

What is the team and what is the Relay for Life Event?

The Quail Creek Fights Back Team is a small group of men and women who gather together through the year to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.

The Relay for Life Event is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Relay is staffed and coordinated by volunteers in more than 5,200 communities and 20 countries who give of their time and effort because they believe it’s time to take action against cancer. The day of the Relay event, teams walk the course and honor those lost and encourage those continuing the battle.

And that’s what happened on April 14, 2018. This year the Quail Creek Team raised over $27,000. The combined earnings from the annual fashion show presented by partner members from The Women of Quail Creek and the Quail Creek Fights Back Team provided over $14,000 of those $27,000 dollars.

These funds are used by the American Cancer Society locally for cancer research and patients assistance. For example, our community of Quail Creek has several volunteers who drive our neighbors to doctor appointments. That’s locally!

If you would like additional information about the Quail Creek Fights Back Team, please contact Virginia (Ginny) Hutcheson at 520-495-4027.