QCCGA Couples Pick Your Foursome Sadie Hawkins Shamble December 17

Janet Johnson

Flight 1:
Gross: 1st Greg Rathvon and Connie Hiles, 76; 2nd Jeff Hansen and Jan Topolski, 77
Net: 1st Randy Davis and Janet Johnson, 66; 2nd Bob Laxague and Brenda Allred, 69

Flight 2:
Gross: 1st Jay Allred and Chris Laxague, 79; 2nd Greg Dinnocenti and Frannie Vanselow, 80
Net: 1st (tie) Don LaCoste and Karen Stensrud, 69/Jay Thompson and Brenda Easley, 69

Flight 3:
Gross: 1st Bob Coulter and Diane Thornton, 82; 2nd Greg Conroy and Jill Wibbenhorst, 86

Net: 1st (tie) Jim Topolski and Leslie Hansen, 71/Charlie Johnson and Beth Davis, 71

Flight 4:
Gross: 1st Jim Easley and Kathy Thompson, 84; 2nd JB Ranney and Phyllis O’Brien, 86
Net: 1st Alfred Gong and Debi Nelson, 66; 2nd Mike Fox and Cynthia Hoover, 71

Flight 5:
Gross: 1st Jeffrey Hoover and Julia Fox, 87; 2nd Steve Camito and Carole Charbonneau, 92
Net: 1st Calvin Tabata and Cynthia Gong, 72; 2nd Bob McKee and Patty Harmon, 73