QCBC Travel Team: Dave Sypkens, Mike Ohrel, Dick Randles, Bryce Dohrman, Bob Coulter, Pat Nigro, Skip Jones, and Manny Quijada
Dennis Desmond and Alphie Smith
The Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) continues to challenge other billiards clubs in its Southern Arizona monthly matches.
The latest tournament for QCBC was with Green Valley Recreation (GVR). The QCBC Travel Team, organized by Dennis Desmond, always enjoys its matchups with GVR. The game of 8-ball between the two teams was held on Nov. 9 at home in the Billiards Room at the Madera clubhouse. GVR prevailed, winning 28 games to QCBC’s 20 games. Halfway through the tournament, QCBC was down by four matches and never caught up to their redoubtable foe. Congratulations, GVR!