Getting ready for 2016. Tournament Chairman Rene Gill, CD “Jake” Jacobs, Gunter Schmidt and Jim Robinson work on the tournament plans for 2016.
Tom Haberer
Every year the Quail Creek Veterans’ Golf Association holds its annual Battle of the Branches tournament to determine which military branch will best represent the QCVGA for the coming year. In previous years, the U.S. Army has been a consistent winner, but this year promises to be a year of challenge. Just ask any of the Marine, Air Force and Navy veteran golfers who vow to take the title away. While only the QC veterans’ scores are entered for the BOTB rankings, all area golfers are welcome to play in this fun and exciting tournament. For information about the QCVGA or to sign up for the tournament, please visit the QC Pro Shop or contact the QCVGA Tournament Chairman Rene Gill at 520-625-5320. Since space is limited, everyone is encouraged to sign up as soon as possible. During 2016, the QCVGA will also host two off-site tournaments as well as the Veterans’ Day Tournament in November.