Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb addressing the Republican Club (photo by Pat Colburn)
More than 100 attendees at the August meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club welcomed Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. Sheriff Lamb has served Pinal County since 2017. He earned the nickname “America’s Sheriff” by taking a courageous stand against COVID lockdowns, and mask and vaccine mandates. He’s now running for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by Kyrsten Sinema. He outlined his reasons for wanting to run and identified three issues that are facing Arizona and the U.S.: the border, crime, and the economy.
He elaborated on the current border crisis and illustrated the results of the current administration’s open border policy to include human trafficking and fentanyl deaths. He’s taking his fight to the U.S. Senate to secure the border, stand up for law and order, protect the Second Amendment, and bring fiscal sanity to Washington.
The Quail Creek Republican Club continues to bring dynamic, knowledgeable, and entertaining speakers to its monthly meetings. The Sept. 15 guest speaker will be Tyler Bowyer, chief operating officer of Turning Point Action and our Arizona Republican Party elected National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee (RNC).
Save the date: In October, we are visiting Tirrito Farms in Wilcox, Ariz., on Oct. 20. The cost is $60 per person and includes the bus, a tour of the farm, and lunch. More information will be coming soon.
For more information about the Quail Creek Republican Club or becoming a member, please visit the website www.quailcreekrepublicans.com. Our website contains dates and information on the 2024 election. Be sure to check it out!