New Club Champion Cheri Sipe with President Sharon Pazson.

Diane Dodd with Mary Anderson
Marci Yenerich
On March 17 the Quail Creek Lady Niners hosted Par Tee on the Green, its annual invitational. Lady golfers from six local golf clubs joined us for this themed event. Lots of green showed up on the golf course, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day! Members Mary Anderson and Diane Dodd had some very fun matching outfits (see photo). At the luncheon, several volunteers were thanked for helping to make this event a complete success. Ten students from Continental Middle School assisted us as volunteers during staging and greeting our guests. Our new Club Champion Cheri Sipe and President Sharon Paxson are shown in the photo. During the luncheon program, raffle winners were called, prizes were awarded and flight winners were recognized. The game for the day was Irish Eyes, which amounted to building a team score in a creative scoring system. Our Pro Joel Jaress kept a Winner’s Board, sowing all scores. Heartfelt thanks go to Pat Crane and Patty Zatkin, the co-chairs for this wonderful event. They orchestrated several committees to bring together several Niners and guests to present this event. Part of the proceeds from the day will be donated to the Continental School.