Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Spark your creative fire with glass

Study Group Leader John-Peter Wilhite (kneeling) along with Quail Creek/OLLI-UA Green Valley Campus Tucson Glass Art Scene class members and friends taking a moment at Tucson’s Philabaum Glass Gallery and Studio.

Ron and Vicki Sullivan If names like Corning Glass, Dale Chihuly and Preston Singletary tantalize a taste for the silica art form of glass, then Sonoran Glass Studio (SGS) is a must. Founded in 2001 as a nonprofit, SGS is one of the premiere glass arts education facilities in the Southwest. Located in one of…

POA office – summer schedules and reminders

Concierge Desk closing on Saturdays for the summer. Starting Saturday, May 10, the Concierge Desk will be closed Saturdays until October 4. We will also be closed for the following holidays: Memorial Day, May 26; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, September 1. We will still be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to…

MOAA holds 4th annual Baby Shower

Green Valley MOAA Auxiliary hosts fourth annual Baby Shower for 162nd FW, AZANG. Left to right from back: Jackie Dow, Sharon Rychener, Judy Knox, Betty Atwater, Gisela Dolney, Betty Deardorf and Fran Labossiere; front, Barbara Brown and Lynda Linker

Janelle Ward The Green Valley Chapter of MOAA (Military Officers Association of America) Auxiliary held its fourth annual baby shower for the wives of servicemen who are deployed, soon to be deployed or have just returned from deployment. This year’s event was held to support the wives of service members of the 162nd Fighter Wing,…

New return cart in clubhouse library proves popular

Frank Cobarrubias looking for books on the clubhouse Library’s new book cart

Larry Thomson Recent visitors to the clubhouse library have no doubt noticed the new three shelf cart that has replaced the former drop box return cabinet. Books were sometimes damaged under the old system as they were dropped one on top of the other. The new open shelf cart serves three purposes: it makes it…

2015 National Performing Artists Series

Series tickets are on sale for National Performing Artists 2015 Season until June 30. Pick up a form at the Concierge Desk and submit with your payment. If you are out of town, simply call Concierge with your information and they will complete your form for you (520-393-5822). Requests for changes/upgrades will be processed in…

Niners and Putters team up!

Left to right: Sue Meeks, Diane Dodd, Mary Jo Schupman and Roxanne May. Mary Jo and Roxanne placed first in Flight A.

Deb Maloney The time was 9:00 a.m., April 24. The place was Quail Creek Coyote Course. The game was our favorite, golf. The team participants were one Lady Putter and one Lady Niner. The goal was to shoot the lowest score of the day, minus handicaps, with Niners hitting tee to green and Putters finishing…