Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Desert Duffers head to Casa Grande

The Duke approves the strategy for the day while the Duffers enjoy breakfast.

Wally Ueberschar On Wednesday, May 14 many of the Duffers from the Men’s Nine Hole Gold League took the opportunity to play the San Miguel Golf Course in Eloy. Breakfast was available for those who arrived early. The course was challenging due to high winds, but still a lot of fun. After golf we headed…

Preparations underway for 4th of July Food Drive

Quail Creek’s Military Officers Association of America is once again coordinating the 4th of July Food Drive in the Madera Clubhouse lobby. Under the direction of Steve Abel, this timely event aids in providing food to needy families who have members in the Tucson Air National Guard currently serving to protect our freedom. What better…

The state of our greens and plans for summer

Craig Parsons As of the first week of May the status of our non over seeded greens is good. This is not a universally accepted conclusion, of course. There is understandable dissatisfaction from residents who are accustomed to spending the warmer months in temperate places with cool weather grasses and coming to Quail Creek in…

Tickets for TWOQC Summer Luau Luncheon on sale now

The Hula Sisters

Janice Pell Tickets for The Women of Quail Creek Summer Luau Luncheon on Monday, June 30 featuring the Hula Sisters of Green Valley can be purchased by contacting Ann Nease at 404-9993 or Members of TWOQC, guests and Quail Creek women that have not previously attended a TWOQC function are invited to attend. The…