Library volunteers recently honored for their service are seated (left to right) Muriel Larson (nine years), POA Board Liaison Gil Lusk, Larry Thomson (seven years), Phil Geddes (nine years); standing (left to right) Sheila Corcoran-Perry (nine years), Dianne Thomson (seven years), Lori Klug (10 years), Vicki Workman (nine years), Joanne Scott (five years), Kay Perkins (five years), Ginny Post (10 years), Jean Iannacchino (six years), Sharon Corcoran (five years) and Jean Rader (nine years). Not pictured: Marilyn Ashman (seven years), Cathy Stevens (seven years) and Carolyn Tollefson (seven years).
Dreama Fumia, on behalf of the POA Board
Due to the tireless efforts of QC Library volunteers, our residents enjoy the benefits of a convenient reading/listening/lending venue as nearby as the Madera Clubhouse. What began in 2002 as a couple of shelves of books in the old Fitness Center has grown to a rich resource center in the Madera Clubhouse Zinc Room today.
Currently, over 2500 items are shelved or in circulation. Hard cover books and oversized paperbacks are located on the open shelves. Most books are shelved alphabetically by author. Fiction and non-fiction are separate. Fiction books are retained with copyright dates of 2008 and newer; non-fiction books are retained with copyright dates of 2009 and newer. Duplicates are kept with copyright dates of 2012 and newer. No copyright date limits apply to popular authors Lee Child, Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton and JA Jance.
Large print books are merged into the general collection. Paperback books are mostly in the cabinets behind closed doors. Audio books, jigsaw puzzles, games, DVD movies, travel items, inspirational books, health books and cooking books are all also located in the lower cabinets behind closed doors. There are three magazine racks that are normally full of recent issues.
All items are donated by QC residents. Surplus items are donated to the Veterans’ Administration (VA) Hospital in Tucson, The Animal League of Green Valley, or the White Elephant of Green Valley.
Except for very special occasions, the Library is always open when the Clubhouse is open. Lending/returning is on the honor system; no sign-outs or due-dates are required. Users are requested not to shelve returned books but instead to place them in the return cabinet for shelving by our volunteers. The returned books in the return cabinet are available for reuse.
As a chartered activity since 2013, the Library volunteers elect a chair annually and approve any changes to the Library Long Term Plan and Mission Statement. The Executive Committee, composed of the chair (Larry Thomson) and former chairs (Ginny Post, Lori Klug and Dianne Thomson), donations coordinator (Phil Geddes) and summer manager (Vicki Workman), meets quarterly to decide administrative matters and make recommendations for action by the volunteers at the annual meeting.
At the recent annual meeting of the Library volunteers on November 14, several volunteers were recognized for their longstanding service. POA Board member Gil Lusk presented volunteers with Certificates of Appreciation and thanked them for their “quiet – shhh!” service to the residents of QC.
Larry is thankful for the sustained performance of the Library volunteers and notes that new volunteers are always welcome. Just contact him at [email protected] to volunteer.
It is the pleasure of the entire POA Board to thank our Library volunteers for all they do to serve the literary needs of our residents and improve our quality of life here at Quail Creek. Well done!