Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Quail Creek Car Show Number Nine

Dianne Sevick and Wayne Potter Well, the Number Nine car show held on April 13 is behind us now. It is always fun but a huge relief when it is wrapped up. This year’s show was dedicated to long time Santa Cruz Valley car nut member Don Shelton who passed away this past year. The…

QCMGA Member/Guest Invitational Tournament

Quail Creek resident Roy Barnes and his partner Art Warner from Sun City win the Harry Varden Flight at the recent Men’s Golf Association Member/Guest Invitational Tournament.

Sheldon Zatkin The Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association held its twelfth annual Member/Guest Invitational from Wednesday, April 9 through Friday, April 11. The Tournament Planning Committee, headed by Phil Wickey, lined up over sixty sponsors for this event. The tournament had 66 two man teams playing in 11 flights. Player registration was held Tuesday afternoon…

Chef Aris sponsoring a pie contest

Luscious juicy summer fruits and berries packed into one singular sensation! What’s your summer time favorite pie recipe? Chef Aris wants to know and is on the hunt to serve the best creation at The Grill during the month of July. Might you have Quail Creek’s most outstanding summer flavor favorite in pie, pie and…

Photographers take to the Picacho Pass Civil War re-enactment

Photo by Jeff Krueger

Robert Thoresen PCQC members spent March 15 taking in a full day of Civil War reenactments at Picacho Peak State Park. One is the reenactment of the Picacho Pass Battle and the other two represent reenactments of battles at Glorieta and Val Verde, New Mexico Territory (which were more strategically significant). The Confederates had hopes…

QCLGA Southwest Spectacular

Overall Low Gross winners of the Southwest Spectacular: Mary Campbell-Jones and Nancy Quesenberry; Photo by Ken Haley

Terri Erickson The QCLGA (18 holers) held their annual member guest tournament on April 2 and 3 this year entitled the Southwest Spectacular. And spectacular it was! From the well organized golf tournament to the goody bags, raffle, lunch, southwest decor and gifts, it was an event to remember. The two day low gross, low…

Educational Trips Committee hosts first day trip to Benson, AZ

Gallery of Dreams

On April 11 the Educational TRIPS Committee held its first minivan day trip. This was a 180 mile loop southeast to Benson, Arizona, and back to Quail Creek for 30 participants. Holy Trinity Monastery with its lovely chapel and peaceful ponds offers spiritual retreats in the village of St. David. Lovers of Southwest history and…