Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

I Got Rhythm!

I Got Rhythm! A Salute to the Gershwin Songbook will be held Friday, October 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. A cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. Ticket price is $25. Celebrate the music of George and Ira Gershwin, one of the most prolific songwriting teams of the 20th century. Featuring such…

POA Important reminders

Dates to Remember The Concierge desk will be closed Monday, September 1 for Labor Day! Have a safe weekend. Quail Creek residents are invited to attend Question and Answer and Board of Directors meetings. Upcoming dates are Q & A Friday, September 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the Gold Room Q & A Wednesday, October…

Ken Haley places first in PCQC’s June contest

First Place: Ken Haley - Mirror Self-Portrait

Robert Thoresen Ken took his first place photograph using a mirror at a mall clothing store. Two years ago during a Christmas visit to Salt Lake City, Ken took his wife, daughter and granddaughter to compare competitive stores to the one that employed his granddaughter at a local mall. This particular store had covered its…

Desert Spoons served useful purposes

Ron Sullivan Bounties harvested from desert landscapes 7000 years ago may not have looked or tasted much different than what’s in today’s Quail Creek kitchens, xeriscapes and liquor emporiums. Some hard evidence can be found at the Fate Bell Shelter located in Texas’ Seminole Canyon Park and historic site along the lower Pecos River. Sotol,…

How dancing can make you smarter

Dodie Prescott This is the final article in our summer series about the benefits of dancing. As graceful and beautiful as dancing is, every dancer out there knows it’s hard work! And anyone who watches dancers most likely agrees. It’s no secret that dancing is an excellent way to stay physically fit; it is demanding…

TWOQC Hosts Festive Summer Luau


Janice Pell Mai Tais flowed and a ukulele played as 136 ladies were transported to the Hawaiian Islands for TWOQC’s Summer Luau in June. The festivities started as the women arrived dressed in tropical attire and were greeted at the door with leis. Club photographer Eileen Sykora then took their photos in front of a…