Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

Women prevail once again at annual Prickly Pear Golf Tournament

Terri Erickson On August 7 the Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association hosted the third annual Prickly Pair Golf Tournament pitting the men’s group against the Quail Creek Ladies’ Golf Association in a two man team net match play event. The women took the trophy for the second year in a row! Congratulations, ladies! Presidents Tom…

POA reminder

Dates to Remember Quail Creek residents are invited to attend Question & Answer and Board of Directors meetings. Upcoming dates are Short Board Friday, September 12 10:00 a.m. Clubhouse Gold Room Q & A Friday, September 12 10:15 a.m. Clubhouse Gold Room Q & A Wednesday, October 15 6:00 p.m. Clubhouse Ballroom Annual Board Thursday,…

TWOQC Gala tenth anniversary celebration October 27

Janice Pell TWOQC will celebrate ten years as a club and honor its membership with a Champagne Brunch on October 27 at 11:00 a.m. in the Crystal Ballroom. Hush-hush planning has been going on all year to ensure that the event will be the highlight of the year. There will be champagne, an elegant brunch…

TWOQC Coupon Project passes $1,000,000

Ecstatic TWOQC coupon counters celebrate sending over $1,000,000 worth of coupons to our overseas troops.

Janice Pell Each month for four years dedicated members of TWOQC clipped, sorted and counted coupons which they sent to our troops in Italy and Japan. With great jubilation in August, they surpassed their goal of $1,000,000 worth of coupons sent overseas (which they had hoped to reach by October for TWOQC tenth anniversary celebration)…

Monday Night Book Club looks into how our government works

The Monday Night Book Club’s book choice for October is Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge’s View by Stephen Breyer. The book focuses on the Supreme Court’s role in maintaining a workable constitutional system of government. Justice Breyer discusses what the Court must do to maintain public confidence and argues for interpreting the Constitution in a…

Cookbook sales date announced

Janice Pell TWOQC cookbook, A Shared Table, will be sold on Monday, September 29 from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. at the Madera Clubhouse. Cookbooks are $15 each or buy ten and get one free. Checks should be made payable to TWOQC Charity Account. Cash is okay, too. All proceeds go to benefit Genesis House for…