Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Monsoons are coming…  TWOQC learn how best to prepare their garden

Nancy Larsen and Pam Butler learn about Lantana from Eric Clark.

Janice Pell As is often the case with desert gardening, it’s all about the water. That fact was continually stressed by Eric Clark during his talk for TWOQC’s May meeting. Eric, the horticulturist and landscape designer for Civano Nursery, entertained and educated TWOQC with numerous tips on how to have a beautiful garden during monsoon.…

Lady Niners host annual Junior Golf Tournament

QCLGA Partners Match Play Tournament winners

Christi Tucker This was our sixth year of hosting the Junior Tournament. The tournament consists of 36 Continental Middle School students and 36 Quail Creek Lady Niners. The students have to earn the right to participate in the tournament by written golf test, effort during their golf classes, school behavior, attendance and school grades. The…

What was that in Jim Burkstrand’s backyard?

Second Place: Bob Johnson - Cactus Rabbit

Robert Thoresen Photography Club of Quail Creek’s April contest was themed In My Backyard. There were thirty two entries for the month and our independent, non-member judges came back with four winning pictures. Jim Burkstrand placed first with an image of a male wood duck that, with its mate, nested in a tree outside a…

Are you a part of the Jewel generation?

We have all browsed the numerous publications at the newsstands or the catalogs mailed to us monthly and envision ourselves wearing the fashions worn by the 20 something size zero model. Coming back to reality, we realize the only things we can possibly identify with and conceivably use are her purse and maybe her shoes.…

Getting to know our golf course superintendent

Quail Creek Golf Course Superintendent J.R. Kies

Skip Fumia A native of Tucson, J.R. Kies learned about growing grass and playing golf at an early age. His father was a landscaping contractor who knew how to grow things in the desert and his first experience with golf came at the tender age of 11 at the Forty-Niner Golf Club. He knew then…