Daily Check-In: A Community Service for Quail Creek Residents

What a Wine Night!

Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?

Paper Flowers Handmade in Janet Rumford’s Creative Casita!

Double Eagle Plaque

Double Eagle Winner

Bob Kuntz (right) vice president of the Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association presents Joel Otterson (left) with a Double Eagle Plaque. On December 29, 2014, Joel scored a very unusual “Double Eagle” sometimes called an Albatross on Quail hole No. 6. A Double Eagle is much harder to get than a hole-in-one. Over the last…

Post-holiday Quail Creek RV Club dinner highlights

Sixty members of the Quail Creek RV Club attended the January 10 annual post-holiday dinner held at the Green Valley American Legion Hall. The event was hosted by newly elected President John Jensen and his wife Mary. John welcomed new members Pam and Dave Shutt, Peggy and Paul Ober, Beth Niccoli and John Felsch, Christie…

TWOQC learns all about VisitTucson

Door prize winners Diana Van Rossum, Marte Abel, Joan Hay, Kay Perkins and Dodie Prescott take home Tucson specialty products.

Janice Pell Did you know that there are 47 different restaurants to try along the new street car line in downtown Tucson? How about the fact that Tucson has so many original restaurants that you need ever eat in a chain unless you so desired? What would be a perfect day to entertain guests? One…

Painting workshop

A Painting Workshop for all mediums and all levels of expertise starts February 16 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Art Room in the new Recreation and Arts Building and meets every Monday through May 17. The Instructor is Joyce Finn. Fee for each lesson is $8 for members and $10 for nonmembers. Each…

Baby shower for expectant mothers of military families

Laura Colbert and Pam Rodgers with the Noah’s Ark diaper cake designed and made by Laura with help from Sue Ellen Svik. Pam is the Chairman for the baby shower. Photo by Eileen Sykora.

Janice Pell Noah’s Ark will be the theme for The Women of Quail Creek’s fourth annual baby shower for expectant mothers of military families. It will be held on the afternoon of April 18. This year’s shower will honor up to 25 members of the Air and Army National Guard. A professional will be taking…