Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Garage sale items needed

The Quail Creek Fights Back Relay For Life team will be hosting its sixth annual Community Garage Sale to benefit the American Cancer Society on November 14. Please save your good saleable items for pick up or delivery the second week of November. Furniture, household, sports, electronic, clothing and more are needed to make this…

Music and ballet: harmony in motion

Punch Howarth This article will be summer essay number five on Forms of Music and is one where I need to tread lightly—Ballet Music. There is much ballet music from romantic and modern composers that I am familiar with but to attempt to explain ballet (the dancing) itself, I would pirouette-tutu easily and miss being…

Golf “as the summer winds down”

Skip and Dreama Fumia It’s August and we’re nearing the end of a heavy growing season for the grass on our course. Heat and humidity produce ideal growing conditions for the Bermuda, so J.R. Kies and our golf maintenance crew members are busy keeping the fairways and roughs cut. Fairways are cut to 1/2” and…

Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study news

Kay Robinson The fall studies for Quail Creek Women’s Bible study will begin with Joyce Meyer’s DVD Making God’s Words Our Words, Tuesday, September 1 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. in the Silver Room. Twisting the Truth is the next study for Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Silver Room. The…

QC Gourmet Club informational meeting and upcoming events

The Quail Creek Gourmet Club is having an open Information Meeting on Tuesday, September 15 at 4:00 p.m. in the Gold Room. All interested persons are invited to attend. The QC Gourmet Club will kick off its eleventh season with small group in-home dinners from October through March. The theme this year is The Main…

Photography Club goes ranching

Steve Piepmeier: Roping action is fast

Robert Thoresen White Stallion Ranch is a 3,000 acre working cattle ranch and number one guest/dude ranch north of Tucson which is owned and operated by the True family. At the time of the purchase in 1965 it was a modest guest ranch operation (17 rooms, 17 horses and 200 acres). Now greatly expanded since…