Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Quail Creek Star Putters

Gail Scheibner (left) with Mary Litfin, holding the Coveted Quail; photo by Sylvia Butler.

Despite the heat, the Lady Putters continue to putt. Every six weeks the club recognizes the best or most improved players. Yoshie Hennessy captured two awards this time. A brick with a quail and the inscription Quail Creek Star Putter was designed by Marci Yenerich to recognize the Lady Putter with the lowest gross score…

Summer specials at the Grill and Oasis Lounge

Summer Specials until October 1 Lunch Special $7.99 and a free cookie with the purchase of an entrée. Daily Specials Sunday: Breakfast Buffet $11.99 Monday: All you can eat pasta $11.99 Tuesday through Saturday: Trio Menu includes soup or salad, entree and dessert $16.95 Tuesday, Date Night: Salad, entree and dessert (from our trio menu)…

Word of the Month: Empath

Dave Zapatka Born in fiction novels and movies, this month’s word of the month, “empath,” has found its way into the field of psychology and common vernacular. Derived from the Greek “em” (in) and “pathos” (feeling), the term empath means one who is able to feel into others’ thoughts and feelings. Empaths are highly sensitive,…