Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Write your life

Workshop participants work on their two page assignment.

Kay Grask Soon, and for eight weeks, the Guided Autobiography Workshop will be beginning at the newly renovated Conference Center at Quail Creek on Wednesday mornings, October 21 through December 16 (skipping November 25 because of Thanksgiving), 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. This workshop provides an opportunity for all who are interested in writing, for self…

It’s been a busy summer for the Lapidary and Jewelry Club

The Lapidary and Jewelry Club’s members have been very fortunate to have a local Master Silversmith Artist, Pete Irish, offer classes. So far more than 25 members have been trained in sawing, using the Flex-Shaft and fashioning rings and pendants with turquoise, gemstones and sterling silver. Club member Joe Caldwell has shared his extensive knowledge…

Colorful chile ristras

Dave Peterson A ristra is an arrangement of drying chile pepper pods. Historically, the pods were thrown up on the roofs of houses to dry but eventually it became more functional to hang them so they received better circulation. Hatch, New Mexico is the world capital of chile growing, stringing and sales. As the harvest…

Women’s Bible Study notice

Kay Robinson Twisting the Truth is the October study for Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. in the Silver Room. What is True Spirituality? Christians today live in a world that is activity heavy and relationships light. Jesus said go and make disciples not decisions. October 20: What Does God…

Golf “overseed and beyond!”

Skip and Dreama Fumia Our overseed project has benefitted from Mother Nature’s bountiful rain! Now, with cooler temps, we should be able to watch our tender, new rye grass continue to grow. Somebody once described something boring as “exciting as watching grass grow—.” Well, for golfers, watching grass grow may indeed be exciting! We’re all…

Garage sale items wanted

The Quail Creek Fights Back Relay For Life team will be accepting garage sale items November 9 through 13 for the sixth annual garage sale to raise funds for cancer research and patient programs provided by the American Cancer Society. All items need to be priced from .25 cents on up prior to dropping them…