Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Golf Cart Registration

A friendly reminder from Quail Creek Country Club POA Rules: Article 5 – Gate Electronic Tags, Gate Equipment, Access and Registration: In accordance with Article 5.4.1: All resident golf carts in Quail Creek must be registered with the Quail Creek Community Services Patrol. There is no cost for this service. Please reach out to Matt…

Fashion Show Moves to New Venue

Peggy McGee Valley Assistance Services (VAS), a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving the Santa Cruz Valley for 55 years, will be moving its annual fashion show to a new venue this year. It seems they have outgrown Quail Creek’s Crystal Ballroom with its 300-person limit. VAS will hold this year’s show at Desert Diamond Casino Sahuarita…

Local Authors in a Special Place: The Quail Creek Library

Jerry Tinsley Many Quail Creek residents find the community library in the Madera clubhouse a special place for reading, relaxation, or meeting friends. We are fortunate that the designers of the clubhouse set aside such a quiet space amidst the bustle of breakfast diners, game players, and information seekers to enjoy at our leisure. We…

Do You Consume Enough Water?

Don Beaver, Fitness Director Over 99% of the Quail Creek population is from regions in the U.S. that experiences significantly different outdoor conditions than what we have in Southern Arizona. With that being said, it is imperative that everyone recognize the increased emphasis on hydration and electrolyte replacement that our region demands. Dehydration: Perspiration is…

Maintenance at Pickleball Courts

Future landscape maintenance closures for the pickleball courts are scheduled on the following Tuesdays: Aug. 13, Oct. 8, and Dec. 10 from 7 a.m. to noon. This will be for routine landscape maintenance to keep the vegetation attractive. If you have any questions, please reach out to Christy Zaferis at 520-393-5835.