Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek

Let’s Travel Club

TWOQC On-the-Go Visits Reid Park Zoo

February PCQC Photo Contest: Leading Lines

Quail Creek Residents Rise to the Occasion

Jeff Krueger Quail Creek residents have always shown a sense of community, caring, and friendship. We are known for our “Quail Creek Wave” as we traverse the community walking, biking, or in our golf carts. We also care deeply for our great employees that take such good care of us and our community. The month…

QCLGA and Unit 29A Reach Out to the Homeless

Janet Johnson, Charlie Johnson, Jacquie Owens, and Peg Avent

Janet Johnson, Publicity Committee On April 16, I received an email titled “Tucson’s Homeless Need Our Help!” from the National Alliance on Mental Illness Southern Arizona, (NAMIsa). How they got my email, I’m still not sure, but it definitely felt like it was a meant-to-be moment. I had been racking my brain sitting in our home,…

Four Local Teens Awarded TWOQC Scholarships

Alexandra Hernandez

Peggy McGee Before the deadline to apply for scholarships for the high school seniors arrived, COVID-19 closed the public schools. And the scholarship committee had only received one application between the two schools. Jadine Hilt and Kay Martens, co-chairs of the high school awards, had a challenge before them—getting in touch with the guidance staff…

Patriotic Masks Available

Patriotic patterned masks (Photo by Jadine Hilt)

Peggy McGee With Independence Day just around the corner, now is the time to order a mask with U.S. flags or stars and stripes. Handmade by Jadine Hilt, Secretary of the Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association, these masks will help you celebrate our nation’s independence in style, while helping to protect yourself and those…

Food for the Troops—COVID-19 Style

Peggy McGee The annual Food for the Troops collection sponsored by the Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association, to support the young airmen of the 162nd Fighter Wing, Air National Guard will go on as planned but with some modifications. Because it is unknown at this time whether the Madera clubhouse will be opened for…