Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Putters Winners at Chip in Fore Charity Event

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters joined forces with the two ladies golf groups as the three clubs tried to raise much-needed funds for local charities. The Putters winners included Low Score, Lou Moultrie, and 2nd Lowest Score, Shari Cerrone. It was a three-way tie for Most Holes-in-One: Sylvia Perry, Cathy Zach, and Sherry Norinne. The…

QCLGA Results

QCLGA 6-6-6, October 31 Flight 1: 1st Mary Ann Hagermann, Susan McCune; 2nd Tracy Bresnahan, Joanie Steiner Flight 2: 1st (tie) Nancy Doran, Cheryl Opsal/Sonia Heeren, Mary Newman Flight 3: 1st Brenda Allred, Radie Haytack; 2nd Julia Fox, Alicia Hiller Flight 4: 1st Linda Klaus, Stacia Sower; 2nd Cynthia Gong, Kathy Printz Flight 5: 1st…

Democratic Club Update

Lois Connell On Nov. 16 the Democratic Club of Quail Creek welcomed speakers from two local nonprofit organizations to its monthly meeting. The club donated $250 to both organizations. Our first speaker, Roy Aguilar, manager of the Community Food Bank Green Valley/Amado, spoke eloquently about the needs throughout Southern Arizona and the steps that are…

Quail Creek Republicans Welcome Bruce Ash

Pat Colburn Quail Creek Republicans filled the Ocotillo and Mesquite Rooms on Nov. 15 to celebrate the incredibly successful election results nationally and in Arizona and to hear from Bruce Ash, an influential Republican known throughout the State of Arizona. QC Republican Club President Pat Colburn introduced Bruce Ash as the featured speaker. Bruce is…

DCQC Adopt-A-Roadway Cleanup

Alphie Smith Twelve members of the Democratic Club of Quail Creek (DCQC) met at 8 a.m. on Oct. 24 to put on safety vests and gloves. They proceeded to Old Nogales Highway and cleaned up their designated mile stretch of the highway. The club has been doing this since March 3, 2021, after being given…