Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

August PCQC Photo Contest—Weathered Wood

The Photo Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) continued with its monthly members’ contest, with August having the topic of “weathered wood.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last year. This subject was a more difficult one for the members and drew only 21 entries. All the photos can be seen…

TWOQC In My Kitchen Event Makes Instant Pot Chowder!

Jane Gold The Women of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC’s) small group, In My Kitchen, held another successful event on Sept. 11, hosted by the group lead, Pam Hartwell-James. The menu was a delicious and super-easy Instant Pot corn chowder served with honey cornbread. In attendance were Pam Hartwell-James, Cathy Ollman, DeeDee McKee, Marjorie Williams, Trisha Tubbs,…

Activities Council Corner

Fran Blackwell and Vicki Persson The QC Activities Council works with Armando Alvarez, QC activities director, to offer fun and adventurous events like the Prom Through the Years held on August 19, 2023. Patti and Moe Giannasi were there and said, “This prom was much more fun than our high school prom! Great band and…

QCLGA Results

  QCLGA Play the Middle Holes, August 31 Janet Johnson Flight 1: 1st Robin Brannan E, 2nd Alice Dyke +3; 3rd Stacia Sower +5 Flight 2: 1st Susan McCune -1; 2nd Phyllis O’Brien +3 Flight 3: 1st Linda Ulery +3; 2nd (tie) Roz Harrison/Cyndi Hoover +4 Flight 4: 1st Margith Baker E; 2nd Kathy Printz…

Teachers ‘Showered’ by TWOQC

Peggy McGee The Women Of Quail Creek’s (TWOQC’s) Community Outreach Committee “showered” 23 teachers at Sahuarita Elementary School with construction paper, dry-erase supplies, scissors, markers, copy paper, construction paper, and many other items that they routinely use throughout the school year. Most educators purchase these essential items using personal funds. Each teacher got a Starbucks gift…