Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Wally Howard Scores His Fifth Career Hole-in-One

Congratulations to fellow Quail Creek Men’s Golf Association member Wally Howard for scoring a hole-in-one on Coyote number 8 on Wednesday, Sept. 6. Way to go, Wally! Quoting him: “My latest hole-in-one was on Coyote number 8 on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and playing partners were Linda Bleisch, Larry Mours, and Dale Miller. We were playing…

Quail Creek’s Best Kept Secret?

Dianne Thomson Recently, a resident was overheard saying that the library at Madera clubhouse was “Quail Creek’s best-kept secret.” Say it isn’t so! If it is true that there are residents who are unfamiliar with our library, then it’s time to remedy that—right here and now! It all starts with Quail Creekers themselves. They are…

Pilot to Recount His Experiences Flying on 9/11

Peggy McGee Quail Creek resident and retired Trans World Airline (TWA) pilot David Friel will be the keynote speaker at the Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 25. The luncheon will be held in the Madera Room in La Vista on the La Posada campus. A social period…

Quail Creek Women Golfers Chip in for Charity

Michele Gazica The Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association, the Quail Creek Ladies 9-Holers, and the Quail Creek Lady Putters are “Chipping in for Charity” again this year with the annual Give Back to the Community golf tournaments and luncheon supporting Sahuarita Food Bank, Hands of a Friend, Parkinson’s Support Group of Green Valley, and Valley Assistance Services.…