Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

December 2023 PCQC Photo Contest: Open

The Photo Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) continued with its monthly members’ contest, with December having the topic of “Open.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last year. This subject was a good one for the members and drew 30 entries. All the photos can be seen on our Flickr…

Word of the Month: Redolent

David Zapatka While reading The Metaphysics of Ping-Pong: Table Tennis as a Journey of Self Discovery by Guido Mina di Sospiro, I ran across the word redolent. His use of the word while describing table tennis rubber was intriguing. Redolent—red·​o·​lent adjective 1. Exuding fragrance: aromatic 2. Full of a specified fragrance: a. scented (air redolent of seaweed)…

Radie Haytack Scores an Ace

Cyndi Hoover Congratulations to QCLGA member Radie Haytack for her hole-in-one on Jan. 14! She aced Quail number 2 using a 4 hybrid at a distance of 135 yards. This achievement was shared with playing partners Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Brenda Allred, and Sung Whitehead. This is Radie’s third hole-in-one. Again, congratulations!